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Lectio Divina - Listening
Lectio Divina - Listening
by SPCK - Enzo Bianchi
Listening If we want our time spent with the Bible to be productive, we need to listen intensely, with a listening heart (lev shomea, 1 Kings 3.9). The entire Bible is predicated on the fact that God speaks and people listen. People in the Bible walk by faith and not by sight, be
Lectio Divina - Lectio divina: foundations and practice
Lectio Divina - Lectio divina: foundations and practice
by SPCK - Enzo Bianchi
Lectio divina: foundations and practice We have given a brief overview of what lectio divina is and what makes it possible. We are now ready to look at the ways in which this prayerful, ecclesial method of reading the Bible is both traditional and contemporary…
Simple Ways - Towards The Sacred - To Walk
Simple Ways - Towards The Sacred - To Walk
by SPCK - Gunilla Norris
We both walk away from things and towards them. We speak of a person’s walk of life. We admire those who walk their talk. Whether in protest or in praise, walking implies intention, direction, and purpose. Walking has been used as a way of devotion and prayer for thousands of yea
I put the dark on
I put the dark on
by Michaela Youngson
First Published in The Weaver, The Word and Wisdom Based on Psalm 139, a reflection I put the dark on! I could hear my daughter playing with the light-pull in my bedroom. After a few minutes her smiling face peered round the bathroom door as she announced, ‘It’s all right, Mummy,
Flight into Epypt
Flight into Epypt
by Marjorie Dobson
First Sunday after Christmas Day Matthew 2. 13-23 Meditation: Flight into Egypt Another journey! And we’re going in the wrong direction again. What is God trying to do to me? To us? Why can’t we just go home and live in peace? I know Jesus is a sturdy child – and a happy one too,
Recognising Jesus
Recognising Jesus
by Paul Glass
A meditation how we recognise Jesus in our lives Luke 24. 13-35 ‘Recognizing Jesus.’ So how do you recognize Jesus? Is it something in his walk, his voice, the way he holds himself? Is it the things he says? The things he doesn’t say? I mean that’s what we’re meant to do as Chris
If I could be sure...